We would love to have you join the Broughton Instrumental Program! Every new student will need to take a placement audition with Miss Harrison. This audition will simply be an opportunity for you to showcase what you know so that we can place you in the level and class that will allow you to be most successful! Our Marching Band does not require an audition for wind players, but drumline and color guard will have camps and auditions in the spring.
Placement Auditions will take place in person on March 10th-12th from 3:00-5:00pm in the Broughton Band Room. Videos can be submitted through March 12th!
How to Register for an Audition:
**Students must use their WCPSS email address to log in to the google forms to register and upload any videos!!!***
RISING 9TH GRADERS: You will need to register with your counselor prior to our auditions, so if you have been in band or orchestra in middle school, please register for "Band Intermediate" or "Orchestra Intermediate". You may need to look under 'restricted electives' to find this option. If you have never played an instrument, register for "Band Beginning". We do not offer beginning orchestra, so please contact Miss Harrison if you have questions!
There is a separate audition for Honors Jazz Ensemble and Wind Ensemble that will take place after placement auditions. I will contact you if you qualify for those auditions!
Placement Auditions will take place in person on March 10th-12th from 3:00-5:00pm in the Broughton Band Room. Videos can be submitted through March 12th!
How to Register for an Audition:
- Sign up for a time using this sign up genius
- Register yourself, and prepare your placement audition etude, found at this Link
- Come to Broughton on your selected date/time and play for Miss Harrison!
**Students must use their WCPSS email address to log in to the google forms to register and upload any videos!!!***
- Prepare your placement audition etude, found in this google folder
- Create ONE video where I can see your face, upload it to your google drive, and copy that link to share with me.
- Register yourself, and paste the link to your video through THIS google form
RISING 9TH GRADERS: You will need to register with your counselor prior to our auditions, so if you have been in band or orchestra in middle school, please register for "Band Intermediate" or "Orchestra Intermediate". You may need to look under 'restricted electives' to find this option. If you have never played an instrument, register for "Band Beginning". We do not offer beginning orchestra, so please contact Miss Harrison if you have questions!
There is a separate audition for Honors Jazz Ensemble and Wind Ensemble that will take place after placement auditions. I will contact you if you qualify for those auditions!