Broughton Instrumental Boosters
The Booster Board:
Presidents: Brian Tohm, Erika Lizotte
VP Fundraising: Mary Tomczak, <open position>
VP Operations: Ginny Lanier, Maude Swicegood, Amanda Johnson
Treasurers: Christine Goble, Heather Campbell
Secretary: Karen Boyne, Maggie Stoddard
Members at Large: Marcy Miller, Becky Zogry, Sarah Atkins
Presidents: Brian Tohm, Erika Lizotte
VP Fundraising: Mary Tomczak, <open position>
VP Operations: Ginny Lanier, Maude Swicegood, Amanda Johnson
Treasurers: Christine Goble, Heather Campbell
Secretary: Karen Boyne, Maggie Stoddard
Members at Large: Marcy Miller, Becky Zogry, Sarah Atkins
The boosters help support the goals of our instrumental program by coordinating fundraising, maintaining student accounts, organizing events and chaperoning our trips and performances. The most important part of the booster jobs is to provide support and love to our awesome students! If you would like to be a part of the boosters, don't hesitate to email us at [email protected] and one of our officers will help you get connected!
If you would like to serve in a role on the Booster Board, please let us know that as well! Check out the attached file for a job description for each position.
If you would like to serve in a role on the Booster Board, please let us know that as well! Check out the attached file for a job description for each position.

bbb_officer_positions_and_requirements.pdf |